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11 / 08 / 2019

Kancelaria organizatorem stażu w ramach ELSA STEP Traineeship


Przez ostatnie dwa tygodnie mieliśmy przyjemność gościć w kancelarii Gabrielę Musteață, która przyjechała do nas z Rumunii w ramach ELSA STEP Traineeship. Jest to inicjatywa, która umożliwia studentom prawa zdobycie międzynarodowej wiedzy i doświadczenia zawodowego poprzez odbycie  stażu w innym kraju.  Udział w programie niesie za sobą nie tylko możliwość poznania zasad funkcjonowania rodzimego systemu prawnego,  jest również znakomitą szansą na udoskonalenie umiejętności językowych. Jest nam niezmiernie miło podzielić się z Państwem opinią Gabrieli na temat spędzonego z nami czasu:

"My experience with M. Krotoski Adwokaci I Radcy Prawni Sp.k. law office has been one of the most fulfilling work experiences for me, so far. I have very much appreciated the fact that they put a lot of effort and interest into their employees’ development and personal growth, which became applicable for me, as an intern, as well.

The tasks that I have been assigned were interesting and stimulating for me. They involved legal research regarding different issues and matters connected to European legislation and drafting guidelines based on it. The constant feedback that I received was more than welcome, taking into account that I was able to assess my skills in the end.

Regarding the personal element of the experience, I would like to add the fact that people in Poznan have been nothing but amazing with me. Both the coworkers from the office and the ELSA volunteers have been very welcoming with me. They are enjoyable, beautiful people, whom I am grateful I got the opportunity to meet.

In the end, my only regret about this traineeship is that is only lasted for 2 weeks, but I am thankful for the entire experience and would definitely repeat it, at any time given."



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